Jordan Behavior Expectations

All of Jordan's Behavior Expectations are found in the student planner. Below are some of the more common expectations. The behavior expectations are NOT meant to be all-inclusive; but instead act as guidelines for all stakeholders. Behavior expectations are designed to create a safe and effective learning environment for all students throughout the campus and in the classroom. 

When behavior expectations are violated, teachers and administration may impose revocation of student privileges, detention, in-house suspension, out-of-school suspension,  referral(s) to outside agencies, or a referral to the GGUSD District Discipline Committee (which may result in a transfer or expulsion from school).

Academic Honesty Expectation

Scholars are expected to be academically honest, refraining from cheating, copying, plagiarizing, and using information in a dishonest manner such as:

  • Submitting someone else’s work as yours.
  • Copying someone else’s assignment.
  • Sharing questions and answers before, during, or after an assessment.

Consequences for violating the Honesty Policy are:

Minor Offenses include copying on notes, classwork, or homework that is considered independent practice

First Offense – parent contact by teacher, detention, no credit/lowered grade on assignment, lowered Work Habits/Citizenship grade, Assistant Principal notified.

Second Offense – Referral to AP, administrative detention, no credit/lowered grade on assignment, lowered Work Habits/Citizenship grade.

Third Offense – Referral to AP, in-house suspension, no credit/lowered grade on assignment, lowered Work Habits/Citizenship grade, loss of school activity.

Major Offenses include cheating on a test/project, essay, or other heavily weighted assignments.

First Major Offense –In-house suspension, parent contact/conference, no credit/lowered grade on assignment, lowered Work Habits/Citizenship grade, loss of school activity.

Second Major Offense – Parent conference, 2 in-house suspension days, no credit/lowered grade on assignment, lowered Work Habits/Citizenship grade, loss of school activity.

Attendance Expectations

Scholars are required by California law to attend school regularly and promptly. Excused absences are for illnesses, medical appointments, religious observances, or death in the immediate family.


Whenever a scholar is absent, parents can call the Attendance Secretary at 714) 663-6124 or submit a hand written note to the office when the student returns. Uncleared absences after 10 days will result in a truant. SARB Letters are generated and sent by mail for scholars with 3 or more unexcused absences.

Tardy Policy

Scholars are required to be on time to school and in their seats in class. Consequences for tardies are:

Tardies #1-3: Handled by the classroom teacher.

Tardy #4: Referral to Assistant Principal, phone call home, 1 hour after school detention.

Tardy #5: Referral to Assistant Principal, phone call home, 2 one hour after school detentions.

Bicycles, Skateboards and Razor Scooters Expectations

Students are permitted to ride bicycles, skateboards and razors to school.  Students who do ride need to do the following:

  • Attend the Vehicle Safety Training provided by Jordan administration.  Permission from parents is required and students need to display the permit sticker on their ID cards.
  • Wear helmets at all times coming and going from school.
  • Lock bicycles at the bike gate.
  • Store scooters and skateboards (with helmets) in the storeroom near the school entrance.
  • Walk their bikes, scooters or boards while on campus.

Failure to abide by these rules can result in confiscation of the vehicle, a parent conference, and/or the loss of this privilege.

Bullying and Cyberbullying Prevention

Bullying is defined as unwarranted, unwanted aggressive behavior that is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, and committed by one or more students toward another student. Bullying can also be defined as one-sided (aggressor vs. victim) and unfair (multiple students vs. one student).

Cyberbullying is when bullying takes place using electronic technology such as texting, social media sites, and the internet.

Jordan Intermediate prohibits all types of bullying, cyberbullying, and harassment, including racial and sexual. Students who harass or bully others may be suspended from school.

Bullying can be reported to any staff member on campus or by completing the Bully Report Form below.

Report Bullying Form

Is it bullying? 

When someone says or does something unintentionally hurtful and they do it once, that’s rude

When someone says or does something intentionally hurtful and they do it once, that’s mean

When someone says or does something intentionally hurtful and they keep doing it, even when you tell them to stop or show them that you’re upset, that’s bullying

You can STOP bullying by anonymously reporting as much information as you can by:


text: 657-206-0149

Cell Phone Expectations

GGUSD Board Policy regarding Cell Phones

Board policy allows “electronic signaling devices” (cell phones and pagers) at school but prohibits their display, activation, and use while on campus, while attending school-sponsored events, or while under the supervision of school employees. Teachers will confiscate phones. If cell phones are lost or stolen on campus, there will not be an investigation to recover them. Confiscated devices will be returned based upon the conditions listed in the Possession/Use of Personal Property on Campus Contract.  Cell phones and electronic devices should be OFF AND OUT OF SIGHT. 

Closed Campus Expectations

Jordan Intermediate is a closed campus before, during, and after school. Parents/Guardians are welcome on campus but must check in through the front office. Only adults listed on the emergency card may check a student out from school. 


Supervision on campus takes place from 8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Students arriving prior to 8:00 a.m. must wait in the quad. All scholars are expected to leave campus by 2:30 unless in a school approved activity.

Crutches and Other Assistive Devices Expectations

Students returning to school wearing a brace, cast/sling/splint, using crutches/wheelchair or having stitches, MUST have an authorized Healthcare Provider’s note to be allowed to attend or stay in school. The School Participation Following Injury/Illness form must be completed and returned to the school office prior to the student’s admission to class.

Appropriate Attire Expectations

Scholars are to dress in a manner that promotes an atmosphere of learning and safety. Parents have a major responsibility for their child’s appearance, not only in providing the clothing, but in guiding the student in the selection of appropriate student attire at school. The attire and grooming of students shall be clean and should not:

  1. Cause distraction or disturbance to a school activity.
  2. Create a health or safety hazard to themselves or others.
  3. Invade the rights of others.

To maintain an atmosphere of learning and safety, the following guidelines will be enforced:

  • Logos: No advertising of drugs and/or alcohol. No profane or suggestive words. No promotion of gang activity.
  • Clothing: No oversized shirts, pants or shorts will be tolerated on campus or in Physical Education class.
  • Pants/Shorts: No more than 4” larger than the waist size. No frayed hems and/or cut at the seams. Waistband may not be below the hips; undergarments may not show.
  • Shirts: No more than one size larger.
  • Blouses/Tops: No midriff blouses. Stomach skin should not show. Tank tops/thin-strapped tops are permitted with 1” strap. Strapless tops are not allowed.
  • Shorts: No tight or excessively short shorts.
  • Hats/Caps: No hats on campus at anytime. During inclement weather, beanies/hoods may be utilized outside of the classroom only.
  • Belts: No belt buckles with initials or that are gang/drug related. No hanging belt straps.
  • Gloves: Gloves may only be worn during inclement weather.
  • Shoes: Closed toe shoes are recommended for safety purposes. Athletic type shoes are recommended for Physical Education and must be laced and tied appropriately to ensure safety. No house slippers at anytime.
  • No Gang Attire: May include but not limited to: Old English font such as “Orange County” T-shirts and sweatshirts, or gang affiliated hats or house slippers.

No clothing or ornaments that reflect gang affiliation or gang identity by virtue of its colors, trademark or other design arrangement will not be tolerated on campus at any time.

Students’ behavior reflects their choice of clothing. At Jordan, we stress high standards for academics and citizenship. An enforced dress code helps scholars focus on achieving excellence in school. This dress code will be actively enforced beginning with the first day or school. The dress code is also in effect for all school activities and performances.

Scholars who violate the dress code will be asked to change into their PE clothes and may receive a detention.

Medication Policy

All medicine, whether prescription or non-prescription, must be turned in to the office. Students may come to the office to take their medicine at the prescribed time. The school requires that medication for students be administered under safe conditions, as per Education Code Section 49423.

Prohibited Item Expectations

All electronic devices such as MP3 players, cameras, video games are a potential distraction in the classroom and are not allowed on campus. If these devices, including cell phones, are lost or stolen on campus, there will not be an investigation to recover them. Confiscated devices will be returned based upon the conditions listed in the Possession/Use of Personal Property on Campus Contract.

Other items NOT permitted are:

  • Gambling devices
  • Cigarettes, alcohol, drugs/paraphernalia, controlled substances, medication
  • Weapons/Look alike weapons including knives, BB or toy guns.
  • Explosive devices (i.e. fire works/crackers)
  • Laser pointer/pens
  • Permanent markers (i.e. Sharpies)
  • Aerosol cans (i.e. deodorant spray)
  • Energy drinks

Student Conduct Expectations

Confrontations/ Fights

Confrontations between and amongst scholars often escalate the situation and disrupts the learning environment. Scholars are encouraged to resolve interpersonal conflicts in a respectful and productive manner. Confrontations that escalate and draw a crowd can lead to the following consequences: detention, suspension, or possible request for District Discipline Committee.

Scholars may not provoke a fight, threaten to fight, or engage in a physical altercation with each other. Consequences can include suspensions, referral to the District Discipline Committee, and/or police contact.

Public Display of Affection (PDA)

PDA is limited to high-fives and handshakes. There is a “no touch” policy which includes hand holding, kissing, and hugging.